Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My confession

So, if you've checked in here lately you will see I haven't been blogging much.  Truth be told...I've been sick.  Still fighting this stupid cold.  Anti-biotics help, but I'm still waiting to get "over the hump."  I've managed to still go to work, however, I've noticed I'm just going through the motions.  This Christmas season has really drained me.  Not just physically.  Haven't felt much like computing, reading or really doing anything at all.  I have only been working on puzzles.  Ahhh.  It's been a bit of therapy for me as I recoop.
Well, anyway, tomorrow we head out of town for a few days to visit hubby's family.  I'm desperately looking forward to some rest and relaxation.  All of that to say, you might not hear much from me over the next several days.  Unless of course, my gumption to compute live returns.  Blast this stupid cold.

Happy New Year!
God Bless You.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Here's to you

I would just like to take a moment to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.
Love this one!
Have a very blessed day

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Around Our Home

I realize this is a little late, but I still wanted to share some photos of our home all decked out for Christmas.  I am terrible with a camera and can't seem to get good lighting.  Maybe I should've taken them during the daylight hours.  Well, I hope you enjoy.
This is our "big" tree in the living room.

This is just a close up of my fireplace mantel.

This may be hard to make out, but this is my window sill in our big front window.

This is just inside our front door.  I love to be reminded of Christ's birth when I enter through this door.
This is my "little" tree in our dining room.  I'm glad it's there, it has provided more space for wrapped presents.

Another nativity.  This one is in our dining room.

These last several photos were just around my kitchen.  Did you notice my roly poly?  (the rolling dishwasher)  It will soon be "rolling" away as we will be redoing our kitchen after the new year.  I'll keep you posted.
Well, that's all.  I hope you enjoyed.
Happy Christmas Eve.

December Photo Project

December Twenty-Fourth


Luke 2:7
And she brought forth her first born son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes.

Friday, December 23, 2011

December Photo Project

December Twenty-Third

Okay, so I have a pillow-pet.  Anyway, I've been cuddling with it this evening.  You see, if I was to take a picture that best described my day, you wouldn't want to see it.  It would have been a tissue box and a pile of used tissues.  Nas.Ty.  So, if you haven't put 2 and 2 together, I'm a little under the weather.  I'm fighting a nasty cold and I'm none too pleased about it.
Twas the night before Christmas eve and all through the house, was a big giant mess made by two giant mouse(s).  And I in my pjs with a pile of tissues had just settled down for a good nights nap.  When what to my wondering eye should appear, but a pile of gifts that need to be wrapped and a plate of cookies (made by Nestle).  I sprang from the couch to get after the wrapping or rather the milk that spilt, oh wait, the dog licked it up...  Twas the night before Christmas eve and no Christmas to be found.  I guess there is always tomorrow, the day before Christmas.  Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Sorry for the very poor rendition of "Twas the night before Christmas."  Twas the best I could do, given the circumstances.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

December Photo Project

December Twenty-Second


I had a visitor today.  He hung out at the feeder for quite awhile.  I never grow tired of watching the birds.  Should I be worried?  I hope that doesn't mean I'm getting old.  Hmmm.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Two things

Okay, before I head to bed I wanted to make sure to send you here.  If you see the Uganda button the right side of my blog, this pertains to that.  They need your vote.  Go, please and check it out.  Thanks.

Also, just wanted to say DPP will resume tomorrow.  :] 
I will be playing catch-up.  Hopefully.  See you tomorrow.

the Word Wednesday

Well, I'm back.  Hubby got the computer back up and running again.  YEAH!!  It's amazing how much one really relies on their computer.  I learned that about myself.  I think I'm heading toward being an addict!  Uh-oh!

Luke 2:19
But Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often.

I just love that these verses were added to the story of the birth of Christ.  As moms, we truly do treasure praise for our children.  Maybe you tend to keep these things to yourself and store them in your heart.  Mary's heart must have bursting at the seems.  I can only imagine.

Stay Tuned

Hi Friends,
Just wanted to let you know I'm still around.  My computer got a bug.  UGH!!!  So, I'm on the dinosaur right now.  (our old computer)  And, well, quite frankly, I do not want to upload photos to this computer.  So, my DPP is on hold, if not dead.  :{

So, right now I can only follow you guys.  And hopefully I'll have something fun to share when our computer is well again.

Monday, December 19, 2011

December Photo Project

December Nineteenth

A very kind lady (someone I don't even know) gave me this today.  I had made mention that I wanted to get one.  Well, after leaving the store, several minutes later she returned and gave me hers.   Her kindness spoke volumes to me.  These tags are no longer available so she gave me hers.  Such a sweet gesture.  (Evidently you purchase these for $1 and then scan it for a free frosty when you go to Wendy's.)  It was so nice and every time I get one I will think of her. 
Thank you my friend.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

December Photo Project with Bonus

December Eighteenth


 Made this for a Christmas luncheon at work tomorrow.  Can you say Fab. U.  Lous?  It's just crisp and refreshing when all you've been indulging in is Christmas cookies and sugar.  YUM!

DPP Bonus.

Britt was playing with the camera today and snapped this picture.  Thought it looked sort of pretty.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

December Photo Project

December Seventeenth

Sigh. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Didn't think I'd make did you?  Well, honestly I didn't think I'd get my DPP posted either.  But, here it is.

Friends, I am exhausted.  I worked ALL day today and basically went straight to my big family Christmas party.  (no, not my BIG family my extended family.)  :}

It's been a long week, but I've looked forward to seeing my family all week.  Great food.  Great fellowship.  Gift exchange.  Kids.  Lots of boys running around.  Cousins.  Desserts.  Cookies.  Adult conversation.  It doesn't get much better!

Friday, December 16, 2011

December Photo Project

December Sixteenth

Do you have one of these?  These trees go totally against my decorating style, but this one is special to me.  My late Grandma loved making and painting ceramics and this is one that she made.  This is actually the first Christmas I've had it, and I'm glad I was able to find a place to display it.  It's pretty with the glow of the colored lights in the dark.  (I couldn't get a picture of it like that.)  I've seen these in larger sizes at the local thrift store.  We even had one when I was growing up, so I'm glad to have one as it reminds me of the one my Mom used to set out at Christmas.
So, how about you?  Do you like them?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

December Photo Project

December Fifteenth
I wrote in my earlier post today that I read to Britt's class.  I chose this book.
If you haven't read Max Lucado's book The Crippled Lamb.  You really need to.  It's a great story and someone very special to me introduced me to this book.  It told me a lot about her.

Have you ever read it?

Is there a book that you like to read at Christmas time?

Just a little bit of Christmas

I've been so busy working lately I feel as though I haven't had time to enjoy the Christmas season.  I didn't have to work today, Hallelujah!  And I got a lot of things caught up at home.  I even found time to read a Christmas book to Britt's class today.
My nephew Nicholas (center) in blue.
That's Britt semi-standing in the gray shirt!
It was a lot of fun.  They were such good listeners.  They said I can come back and read again sometime!  :}

I got a little Christmas shopping done today and some Christmas wrapping.  The boys were very excited to see presents under the tree.

This evening we went to hear Collin sing with his choir at a school Christmas concert.  I won't tell you when Collin informed me of this concert.  4:00 today.  The music was beautiful.
Collin is the second boy to the left of the burgundy shirt in the front row.
Sorry, that's the best my camera could do!
Also singing tonight was my niece Carien.  She sings as part of a "glee" club for the school.

Carien is wearing the green scarf.
She looks beautiful doesn't she?  She looks just like her mother.  (my sister)
Some of the other girls singing were a part of my volleyball team this year.  I love them.  Enjoyed so much listening to them sing.  They did a great job. I am so thankful that I was able to enjoy a little Christmas in the middle of a very busy week.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December Photo Project

December Fourteenth


the Word Wednesday

I am just so enjoying the Christmas story this year.  I've been trying to put more focus on celebrating Christ's birth rather than getting caught up in the busyness.
I say all of this as I'm smack dab in the middle of my busiest week in quite some time, but I'm learning I can still have Christmas in my heart even if I'm not doing the "traditional" things I usually do this time of year.

Matthew 1:23
"Look!  The virgin will conceive a child! 
She will give birth to a son, and they will
call him Immanuel, which means 'God with us'."

Don't you just love what his name means?  God with us.  God in flesh walking this earth with us.  Sometimes I have a hard time wrapping my mind around that.  It just seems so hard to imagine being Mary, Jesus' mother.  Holding God in the flesh.  All I can think is WOW!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December Photo Project

December Thirteenth


No need to adjust your computer screen, this picture is not upside down.  This little guy is crawling on my wall!  Came home from school today with Britt and found a place to hang out.  He's a sweet little fella.

Monday, December 12, 2011

December Photo Project

December Twelfth
(Did I spell that right?)

I thought I was done decorating for Christmas, but no.  I wanted to put up my pencil tree this year.  Our pencil tree was the only tree we had for the first several years of marriage.  Our very first Christmas together as a married couple we lived in another state while hubby was finishing up college.  So, needless to say money was tight.  We had to get creative if we were going to hang ornaments on our tree.  So, we made our own.  Every year since that first Christmas we have hung them on our tree.  But over the years, we have gained a lot more ornaments, and the homemade ones are not the kids favorites.  So, they don't grab those for the tree.  In an effort to hang them this year, I decided on the pencil tree.  I love them.  They are my favorite.  They take me back to that first Christmas we had together and the time and money spent (though very little) putting towards the ornaments.  They have outlasted many that have fallen and broken.  I hope they will continue to last for many more Christmases.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

December Photo Project

December Eleventh


Sledding anyone?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

December Photo Project

December Tenth


I miss reading on the porch, so today I went out and braved the chill in the air and read a chapter.  Been reading some short Christmas novels.  It was lovely. 
Thanking God for the sunshine.

A cookie recipe

No-Bake Cookies

I made some cookies today and thought that I would like to share some with you.  Unfortunately they didn't turn out quite right.  They taste ok, it's just the texture.  Too gooey.  (Is there such a thing?)  Since I can't physically share them with you, I thought I'd share the recipe and you could try them if you like.  Here is what you need.

2 cups sugar
1/2 cup marg.  (I use butter)
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup cocoa
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
3 cups oats

Combine sugar, butter, milk, cocoa and salt in saucepan.

Once the butter has melted, bring this to a boil for 2 min.

Remove from heat, add vanilla and oatmeal.

Stir well and drop on waxed paper.  (I use the round pampered chef scoop.)

Let cool and enjoy!!
These were something my Nan used to make when I was a little girl.  Sometimes I get the hankerin for some and because they are a no bake, it's easy to make them.  Also, you only dirty one pan.  Makes for easy clean up!!  The best.  You might have a similar recipe of these that you make.  If so, let me know what yours is.  If you decide to make these, tell me if you like them.  Happy no baking!!