Thursday, March 8, 2012

Homemade Creamer

I don't know about you, but this warm beautiful weather puts me in the mood.  The mood to clean, open the windows, sit on the porch and read (got a great new book today, I'll tell you about it tomorrow.  Promise.), and spend some time in my kitchen.

I've been making my own creamer for a short time and I've been enjoying it.  Thanks to pinterest I've found a great easy peasy recipe.  I thought I'd share it with you.  You brew the coffee while I make the creamer, ok?!

So, here it is.  I'll share the real recipe from pinterest at the end.

You will need:
1/4 c of brown sugar
1 TBL of pure vanilla
2 c of half and half

Forgot to put the half and half in the first picture.  :)
Melt the brown sugar and vanilla over the stove being careful not to burn it. 

Turn off the burner and slowly whisk in the half and half.

When you're done it will look like this:

Just poor into your favorite glass container and store in the fridge.  Voila!  It's that easy.

If you are into coffee for the creamer, this might not be for you.  However, I am one such person and I have found this to be enjoyable.  Plus, I think it's better for you since it doesn't contain all of those extra ingredients that are found in flavored creamers.

Here is the recipe that I followed.  She does a much better job with it, but trust me if I can make can make it.

So, try it and let me know what you think.  Oh, and it costs less too!!

Enjoy spring today, for it shall not last.


  1. Not a creamer person... but I have friends who are. I love your little storage jars. CUTE!!!

    1. Ha! The jars are from Good Seasonings Salad Dressing. Pretty resourceful I thought.
