Thursday, May 10, 2012

Giving Thanks

If you've seen my sidebar than you know that I'm reading the book "One Thousand Gifts."  It is taking me forever, but I am glad about that.  There is so much to gleen from the pages of that book.

It has been stirring me up inside and in my way of thinking.  I love it.  I have this friend to thank.

Anyway, I just wanted to express what I'm thankful for right now.  Right this moment.

*Fresh air.
*Clothes hanging on the line.
*Getting home in time to get the clothes off the line when the rain came.
*Sadie (my dog and probably the most loyal companion in my life.)
*5th grade projects (getting done)
*A night out
*Watching my neices play soccer
*My front porch
*Nighttime Walks
*Windshield wipers that work
*This house...I mean, our HOME.
*Hot running water
*Joy in trials
*Being loved
*Having someone to love
*Fresh sheets
*My bed
*Reading blogs and feeling so overwhelmed by the message they bring.
*Christian fiction
*New sneakers
*My cell phone.  So I can talk to my husband who is out of town...again.
*Mom, helping with my boys

Okay, so I could go on and on.  I have been following the Nester.  She is currently in Tanzania with Compassion.  Her recent posts have me realizing just how blessed, how much God has given me.  I'm overflowing with goodness and just had to share some of it.

Before I end this post I want to share this new awesome song.  You can't help but feel gratitude.


1 comment:

  1. I'm loving the song. I've never heard it before.
    Oh... and it felt so good, to give the book away to my cousin (Ruth) for her birthday - yesterday. Another gift. :)

    PS: Thanks for the love!!
