Saturday, September 15, 2012

A little home improvement

I just wanted to show you what I've been up to as of late.

Last Saturday I had a whole day all to myself so I took advantage of that time and decided to paint my kitchen cabinets.  It's only phase one of the whole kitchen makeover, but so far I'm pleased with the results.

To get a real appreciation I'll show you a picture of what the kitchen looked like before.  This is what it looked like when we bought the house.

This next picture shows what it looked like after we took out the prison bars and painted the walls.

That's about how it has stayed since we moved in.  It's not that I hated the blue, it just wasn't the color I chose, nor would it really be a color I would choose.  And after living here for over two years, the paint was beginning to chip and the cabinets were getting a little on the dirty side.  So, I decided it was time to change.  And with no one around it was the perfect opportunity.

Part of the reason it took me so long to paint them was because I struggled with what color I wanted.  My dream was to paint them black.  Oh I love that, but with black appliances I thought that would be way to much.  I also thought about doing a colonial burgundy, but again I wasn't sure if it would be too dark.  So, I opted for a colonial green.  Green isn't one of my favorite colors, but it's definitely one that I'm okay with.  Better than the blue anyway.

So, here's how they turned out.

Since I took the photos, I've already changed out the curtains and added some decorations to the cabinet sides at the window.  I'll show an prettier picture when the kitchen is cleaned up and ready. 

Well, like I said, it's just phase one.  We want to install a new backsplash.  I'm thinking brick.  Also, we want to install a new counter top.  We have a portable dishwasher (you can kind of see it in the photo above) but I would like to have one installed when we replace the counters.  All of this takes time and money.  Both a precious thing these days.

So, what do you think?  Should I have gone with black or burgundy?

1 comment:

  1. NO! I love the green... (of course that is one of my favorite colors) and black is a great accent which is there with all the drawer/door knobs and black appliances.

    YOU go girl. This reminds me of my first old place on Cowpath ... that cabinets were blue (like yours) and I painted them this (same) gray/green color. One problem...

    I didn't take the time to do one thing. I didn't do any "pre-sanding" of taking the old blue paint off, giving the new color something to adhere to...
    So, when the cabinets got scratched or whatever - the blue would streak through.

    One thing I've learned about that whole thing since is this.
    I was more worried about getting the appearance of something to look good - quickly- than to take the time to concern myself with the deeper "heart-issue", to do it right the first time around.
    OH, I'm so like this in a lot of areas.



    But, I love it. You did a great job.
