Monday, September 17, 2012

Guest posting today!

Happy Monday morning.  It happens to be an absolutely beautiful (perfect) day here!  I love Monday's.  There's just something about getting a chance to start over with a new week.  And we get to do that 52 times a year.  Just remembering the quote from "Anne of Green Gables." 

**Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it."

Love that.  I hope you'll use your Monday as a fresh start.  And don't worry, if you blow it, you always get a fresh start tomorrow, or the next Monday!!

***Today I have the priveledge of guest posting on my dear friend Bevy's blog.  I feel so honored.  I hope you'll pop on over and read what I have to say about anxiety.  Anxiety can be a dark topic, but nevertheless it's a real issue for me.  I hope you'll feel encouraged.  Say Hi to Bevy and be entered to win a giveaway!!!

To read my guest post go here

Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. ::wink::wink::

    I love that Anne Girl - and that quote. ;)

  2. Kelli, I read your post over at bevys. Im a fellow suffere of social anxiety,and panic attacks on a regular basis. I TOTALLY know where youre coming from. I have 6 wonderful kids. Lol. We have many crisises! ;) I too,am learning that God truly,TRULY understands. Thankyou for thoes verses you shared. Bless you.

    1. Christina, Thank you for your kind words. I never want anyone to experience what I have with anxiety but I must admit I find a lot of comfort when I learn that I am not alone.
      6 kids. Wow!! I've got my hands full with two. ;)

  3. Kelli,ive been thinking about you,praying for you. Hope things are going well for you and yours,and that you have a restful weekend! Christina
