Hope you've had a great weekend. It started out a little soggy here.
Yep, that's my backyard. Our house was built over a small pond! ;}
It wasn't much better out front. These are typical scenes in our neighborhood when it rains. Fortunately we don't have any water issues inside our home.
My nephew had a birthday on Saturday. Got together for some food, family and presents. Getting 7 cousins together for a good picture can be tough.
Yes, I can count. Sarah (sweetie in pink) is not one of the "cousins." She's my cousins little girl. Of course she has to be in the picture. Who couldn't love this sweet thing?
Nice face!!!...takes after her Daddy. Love weekends spent with family.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
It's been a tough week. I don't know why. All is well. I have much to give thanks for. I guess it comes down to embracing the changes. I had no idea when I set out to embrace that opportunities would arise so quickly. I also didn't know it would be so hard.
Work has been very much the same, but yet very different. I'm already missing my "old" boss. He was the reason I've stayed so long. Already things are changing. Procedures are done differently. If you know me, you know I don't adapt well to change. I went head-on to embrace this "newness" at work, but I've failed miserably. I've almost broken down in tears several times. I miss him.
We try so hard to teach our children how to behave and what is right and wrong. But it seems that out in the world (and even in Christian school) they try to persuade them otherwise. What's cool to "them" is not acceptable to us. And on and on it goes. It's hard trying to imagine what the world is like through the eyes of an 11 year old. Should I be more accepting of these decisions or continue to fight it? It seems the more we fight it, the farther he is slipping away. He's only 11. How can this be?
I'm sorry for the "downer" of a post today. I'm just being real. Embracing the fact that I am a wife/mother who makes mistakes. I'll never be the perfect parent. Oh, I'll strive to be but I will fall short. That is a hard thing to admit. I really am just learning it as I go. God-willing my boys will turn out to be Godly men who love God and seek Him. I only hope I have what it takes to teach them.
Work has been very much the same, but yet very different. I'm already missing my "old" boss. He was the reason I've stayed so long. Already things are changing. Procedures are done differently. If you know me, you know I don't adapt well to change. I went head-on to embrace this "newness" at work, but I've failed miserably. I've almost broken down in tears several times. I miss him.
Things at home aren't much better. I think it's me. It's true that the woman of the home sets the tone. I'm afraid I haven't been doing a great job at that either. I will not be winning mother/wife of the year this year. Maybe next year.
We have been having some battles with our 11 year old son. It's difficult for me because I'm completely opposite of him. I love him so much. I'm just disappointed in the decisions he is making. None of them are life altering by any means, it just shows where his heart is at. Kids are different today than they were when I was a kid. Try as I may I will likely never be able to embrace this post-modern way of thinking. And that is o.k. Unfortunately as a parent that might be difficult.
We try so hard to teach our children how to behave and what is right and wrong. But it seems that out in the world (and even in Christian school) they try to persuade them otherwise. What's cool to "them" is not acceptable to us. And on and on it goes. It's hard trying to imagine what the world is like through the eyes of an 11 year old. Should I be more accepting of these decisions or continue to fight it? It seems the more we fight it, the farther he is slipping away. He's only 11. How can this be?
I'm sorry for the "downer" of a post today. I'm just being real. Embracing the fact that I am a wife/mother who makes mistakes. I'll never be the perfect parent. Oh, I'll strive to be but I will fall short. That is a hard thing to admit. I really am just learning it as I go. God-willing my boys will turn out to be Godly men who love God and seek Him. I only hope I have what it takes to teach them.
Monday, January 23, 2012
A little of this and a little of that.
Happy Monday.
I don't know about you, but I love Mondays. The kids are back to school, hubby is back to work, and I get some time to get our house back in order. I love, love, love, cleaning and organizing my home. On Mondays I get to really feel a sense of accomplishment.
As far as accomplishments go, we had a pretty productive weekend. I started Friday after work. Feeling a little down I needed something to do, so my challenge was: my bathroom closet. I had already spent some time arranging it a few months back, but it got a little out of control.
Yum! We love homemade bread. So, I made two loaves. We enjoyed one, and we took another to our neighbors. They greatly appreciated it and we enjoyed their company. What an encouragement she was to us. To keep pressing on. She's been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and she still wants to do God's will in her life. She knows God is not done with her yet and despite the uncertainties, she wants to make plans for their future.
One thing she shared with us was this: When God places a boulder in our path He really means for it to be a stepping stone to the next journey. How awesome is that. I had never thought of it that way. I've been pondering it since.
I got in there just seconds after Andy removed one of the doors, but you get the idea. I am doing some built-ins and we replaced the doors. They look great, but you have to wait to see it. Sorry. It's not ready for it's debut yet. Stay tuned.
Have a great day.
I don't know about you, but I love Mondays. The kids are back to school, hubby is back to work, and I get some time to get our house back in order. I love, love, love, cleaning and organizing my home. On Mondays I get to really feel a sense of accomplishment.
As far as accomplishments go, we had a pretty productive weekend. I started Friday after work. Feeling a little down I needed something to do, so my challenge was: my bathroom closet. I had already spent some time arranging it a few months back, but it got a little out of control.
See what I mean? Wow, I can't believe I just showed you my bathroom closet! I feel so exposed! ;} Anyway, I love to purge and boy did I. It was great! Didn't take a lot of time, but what a difference it made.
Ah, much better don't you think? I have a great stock pile thanks to couponing. I rarely have to run out for something when it's needed. I just head to the bathroom closet. I also have a (small) stock pile in my basement. I plan to show you that another time. Anyway, back to my closet. I don't have any special tricks or secrets, just good old fashion cleaning, purging, refolding and straightening. If I can keep the kids (all 3 of them) out, I think it will last. Only time will tell.
We had snow this weekend. I didn't realize how ready for some snow I was. It was lovely. It put me in the mood for homemade goodies.
Yum! We love homemade bread. So, I made two loaves. We enjoyed one, and we took another to our neighbors. They greatly appreciated it and we enjoyed their company. What an encouragement she was to us. To keep pressing on. She's been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and she still wants to do God's will in her life. She knows God is not done with her yet and despite the uncertainties, she wants to make plans for their future.
One thing she shared with us was this: When God places a boulder in our path He really means for it to be a stepping stone to the next journey. How awesome is that. I had never thought of it that way. I've been pondering it since.
Also, we began work on my bedroom closet. It will be receiving a transformation. I can't wait. It's still a work in progress, so I'll just show you my before photo.
I got in there just seconds after Andy removed one of the doors, but you get the idea. I am doing some built-ins and we replaced the doors. They look great, but you have to wait to see it. Sorry. It's not ready for it's debut yet. Stay tuned.
Have a great day.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Letting Go
This is the day I have been dreading for awhile. It was time to say goodbye to a dear friend. My boss. Today was his last day. After 25 plus years at the store he is moving on. He is realizing a dream and moving west to Phoenix. I am so happy for him. I can't even put it to words.
I realized this morning, that I've known Doug (said Boss) longer than I've known my husband. He has such a kind sweet soul. He will be greatly missed. Greatly.
I've also realized that in learning to embrace (to see more about embrace, click here) it almost always means you have to let go of something. So, today I've had to put that to practice. I want so badly to embrace this new BIG change at work, but in doing so I had to let go of someone. Someone whose absence will leave a big gaping hole. Someone so valuable it leaves me wondering how will we make it?
But make it we will. This is all God's plan. His hand has been evident throughout this whole situation. I read a verse today that spoke volumes to me and just when I needed it.
I realized this morning, that I've known Doug (said Boss) longer than I've known my husband. He has such a kind sweet soul. He will be greatly missed. Greatly.
I've also realized that in learning to embrace (to see more about embrace, click here) it almost always means you have to let go of something. So, today I've had to put that to practice. I want so badly to embrace this new BIG change at work, but in doing so I had to let go of someone. Someone whose absence will leave a big gaping hole. Someone so valuable it leaves me wondering how will we make it?
But make it we will. This is all God's plan. His hand has been evident throughout this whole situation. I read a verse today that spoke volumes to me and just when I needed it.
Isaiah 55:9
As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
It was a great reminder that God's plans for us all are far greater than we can ever imagine. How. Sweet. That. Thought. His plan is in place and He will make it happen, whether we embrace it or not.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
This morning was really interesting. The boys and I walked to the bus stop and while waiting for the bus to come I noticed the air was completely still. Not a tree brach was moving. No leaves were rustling. Just absolute stillness. It was almost breathtaking.
That moment was about as still as this day got. I've learned from the book I've been reading, that in order to slow time you must first give thanks. (I am really butchering what Ann says, but I hope you understand.)
So, today (tonight rather), I give thanks to God for that moment when everything in the world was still. Isn't it just amazing how God can just stop everything in its tracks?
That moment was about as still as this day got. I've learned from the book I've been reading, that in order to slow time you must first give thanks. (I am really butchering what Ann says, but I hope you understand.)
So, today (tonight rather), I give thanks to God for that moment when everything in the world was still. Isn't it just amazing how God can just stop everything in its tracks?
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
I've decided that my word for the year should be: embrace. January has already brought about many changes around here, and being someone who has a hard time adjusting to change, I think it's time for me to learn to "embrace."
Embrace the changes, but also embrace the sameness. I know there are going to be more changes ahead for our family. Some of them will be easy and some of them will be hard.
I've already noticed (since I've started changing my thought process towards embrace) that there is a sort of a "freeing" feeling that is accompanied with embrace.
So, no matter what may come in 2012, I will do my best to "embrace" the good, the bad and the ugly. And, it could get ugly at times as I fight, and kick and carry on about change and things not going my way. So, I guess we'll see how it goes. This is definately stepping out of my comfort zone.
Things I'm alreay learning to embrace:
* My new diet. Not so fun, but so far so good and very rewarding.
* A new car payment. Ugh. Haven't had one for several years.
* Lack of feeling secure emotionally.
* My anxiety. I will always be learning this one.
* Where I fit or don't fit in life.
So, what are you learning to embrace?
Enjoy today!
Embrace the changes, but also embrace the sameness. I know there are going to be more changes ahead for our family. Some of them will be easy and some of them will be hard.
I've already noticed (since I've started changing my thought process towards embrace) that there is a sort of a "freeing" feeling that is accompanied with embrace.
So, no matter what may come in 2012, I will do my best to "embrace" the good, the bad and the ugly. And, it could get ugly at times as I fight, and kick and carry on about change and things not going my way. So, I guess we'll see how it goes. This is definately stepping out of my comfort zone.
Things I'm alreay learning to embrace:
* My new diet. Not so fun, but so far so good and very rewarding.
* A new car payment. Ugh. Haven't had one for several years.
* Lack of feeling secure emotionally.
* My anxiety. I will always be learning this one.
* Where I fit or don't fit in life.
So, what are you learning to embrace?
Enjoy today!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
What you don't see
Sadie is waiting for the mailman. Watching in earnest to let him know he is not welcome. She isn't supposed to be on the couch, but... Anyway, what you don't see in this picture is the herbs she knocked on the floor and the ceramic pots they sat in that fell to the floor and broke. :{
Not the end of the world, we didn't use them. They were only in the front window because we were trying to breathe life back into them. It wasn't workin.
So, I thought you might like to see "my girl." She never lets me take a picture. I managed to sneak a few without her noticing. Yes she is wearing a sweater. I won't get into that today! :}
Enjoy today!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
A Day I Will Remember
Well, today was just one. of. those. days. The kind where the rug of security is ripped out from under your feet. I don't do well with days like this. However, when I spoke to my husband about two such issues, he said "You sound rather perky considering what you've told me." I guess he's right. Amidst all of it, I have tried to remain (I'm trying to think of the right word here)...unafraid. For me, that is a big thing.
My boss, whom I love dearly, got a new job. I am super uber excited for him. It has been awesome to see God working in his life. And so quickly too. We only have 2 weeks left with him and just 2 1/2 before he leaves permanently for another state. Wow!!
This news leaves us all with so much uncertainty. (aka..panic) But, I am trying to resolve not to worry about it, but rather to embrace this change. I am trusting in God. I know He has a plan in place for the store. As I told a co-worker/friend today, "this store belongs to God." It's in His hands. What better place for it to be?
Upon leaving work today I received a phone call from my mom with some very disturbing news from her neighborhood. The house directly across the street to be exact. The whole incident shook me to the very core. All moments of security were ripped away in one moment. The home that I spent most of my life in is no longer a safe haven for me. I know someday it will be again, but until then?...Do I live in fear? How do you accept what happened? Does time help heal? How can the actions of one person affect so many people? Do they not give a thought to anyone but themselves? This world can be a scary place. Even in suburbia. It shouldn't be this way.
It makes me rejoice in knowing this is not my permanent home. I've got a home in heaven waiting for me someday. A home free of worry. Free of tears. Free of sadness. A home filled with love. A home filled with beauty. A safe haven. A home I don't deserve.
So, I'll cherish the plain and ordinary of today. The getting up and making lunches. The going to the bus stop. The beauty of the sun and that will rise again tomorrow. The walk with my dog and staring at the giant night light lighting up the night sky. So much to still give thanks for.
My boss, whom I love dearly, got a new job. I am super uber excited for him. It has been awesome to see God working in his life. And so quickly too. We only have 2 weeks left with him and just 2 1/2 before he leaves permanently for another state. Wow!!
This news leaves us all with so much uncertainty. (aka..panic) But, I am trying to resolve not to worry about it, but rather to embrace this change. I am trusting in God. I know He has a plan in place for the store. As I told a co-worker/friend today, "this store belongs to God." It's in His hands. What better place for it to be?
Upon leaving work today I received a phone call from my mom with some very disturbing news from her neighborhood. The house directly across the street to be exact. The whole incident shook me to the very core. All moments of security were ripped away in one moment. The home that I spent most of my life in is no longer a safe haven for me. I know someday it will be again, but until then?...Do I live in fear? How do you accept what happened? Does time help heal? How can the actions of one person affect so many people? Do they not give a thought to anyone but themselves? This world can be a scary place. Even in suburbia. It shouldn't be this way.
It makes me rejoice in knowing this is not my permanent home. I've got a home in heaven waiting for me someday. A home free of worry. Free of tears. Free of sadness. A home filled with love. A home filled with beauty. A safe haven. A home I don't deserve.
So, I'll cherish the plain and ordinary of today. The getting up and making lunches. The going to the bus stop. The beauty of the sun and that will rise again tomorrow. The walk with my dog and staring at the giant night light lighting up the night sky. So much to still give thanks for.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Back to life again.
I am finally feeling like things are settling back into normal now. Christmas is two weeks past and things are less frantic and busy.
It's been a good weekend so far. Last night we spent with some friends from church. Pizza, chips, dessert, laughter. It was all good.
Today I had the pleasure of attending a ahem...(whisper) thirty-one gifts product premier.
Check out the line. We are serious about our products!!
I met some new people and got to know some acquaintances better. It was sooooo much fun.
Wait until you see the new products. AH! They are fabulous!!!!
I enjoy clipping coupons. Or is it that I love getting a really good deal and saving money? Well, I haven't had too much time lately to clip, so tonight I cleaned out my book and started clipping again.
The pile at the top is of the coupons I had to throw away. Ugh! Until I can jump in with both feet again I decided to do a modified amount of coupons. So, the small pile with the scissors on top are the few I clipped this time around.
More to be thrown away! :{
But, they are all in their place now and I'm ready for the newspapers to come tomorrow, so I can keep filling it up and using them. I can't wait to get my stock pile filled again. Now, before you think I'm crazy, my stock pile is rather on the small side. I wouldn't consider myself an extreme couponer by any stretch of the imagination. It's just nice to go to the basement and pick up a few things than having to go to the store.
So, how about you? Do you clip coupons?
It's been a good weekend so far. Last night we spent with some friends from church. Pizza, chips, dessert, laughter. It was all good.
Today I had the pleasure of attending a ahem...(whisper) thirty-one gifts product premier.
Check out the line. We are serious about our products!!
Wait until you see the new products. AH! They are fabulous!!!!
I enjoy clipping coupons. Or is it that I love getting a really good deal and saving money? Well, I haven't had too much time lately to clip, so tonight I cleaned out my book and started clipping again.
The pile at the top is of the coupons I had to throw away. Ugh! Until I can jump in with both feet again I decided to do a modified amount of coupons. So, the small pile with the scissors on top are the few I clipped this time around.
More to be thrown away! :{
But, they are all in their place now and I'm ready for the newspapers to come tomorrow, so I can keep filling it up and using them. I can't wait to get my stock pile filled again. Now, before you think I'm crazy, my stock pile is rather on the small side. I wouldn't consider myself an extreme couponer by any stretch of the imagination. It's just nice to go to the basement and pick up a few things than having to go to the store.
So, how about you? Do you clip coupons?
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Hey, if you haven't checked out the tab on my side bar for the children in Uganda, do it. I just read this post on their blog. It's awesome. You can help be a part of it. But you have to go check it out. Hurry! Go, Go!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Why do things have to change? I find myself asking this very question. Just today I was folding laundry, size 12 jeans for Collin, wondering what happened to those cute 2t outfits for my toddler? And, how can it be that my baby, my baby, is in first grade?
Don't get me wrong, I love that they are older and able to do for themselves and the fact that we can just pick up and go without packing a bag. I just wish so much that I could snuggle them one more time. I know you know what I mean. I think part of it is the saying "goodbye" to that phase of life. The diapers, bottles, toothless smiles, little piggies, dirty cheeks, and holes in the knees (from crawling.) The moving on and taking the next step...Change.
Like, what am I going to do when my boss/manager takes a new permanent job in Phoenix? Who will replace him? He isn't replaceable. Will I continue to work there? Should I start looking for a new job? I don't want a new job. I don't want a new boss. I want things to stay the way they are. I like it this way.
And just today we learned that our neighbor has stage 4 cancer. She is a wonderfully sweet neighbor and a sister in Christ. However, when I think of what is to come for them, their family, their home I am completely heartbroken. I hate the fact that things will be different. Who will be Grandma to the grandkids? Who will be the "mom?" Who will take care of her husband? Who will teach her class? Who will tend the climatis she so loving cares for on her porch? All of it will change.
There is something safe in the mundane. Am I right? There's no questions, no worries. No wondering what will happen. It's safe there and I like safe. It's comfortable. There are no tears there. No fears.
And yet, where would we be without change? Just this week I took down our Christmas decorations, did a little rearranging and cleaning. I changed things up...and loved it. We recently bought a new vehicle, moving from a minivan to a car...I love it. More change. I have projects that I've done around our home to change for the better. But, I see that these are the little "unimportant" changes, but change none the less.
I send out these thoughts not really looking for answers. I know there is always going to be change. We need change. I guess I'm still learning how to deal with the "hard" changes.
Do we ever learn?
Like, what am I going to do when my boss/manager takes a new permanent job in Phoenix? Who will replace him? He isn't replaceable. Will I continue to work there? Should I start looking for a new job? I don't want a new job. I don't want a new boss. I want things to stay the way they are. I like it this way.
And just today we learned that our neighbor has stage 4 cancer. She is a wonderfully sweet neighbor and a sister in Christ. However, when I think of what is to come for them, their family, their home I am completely heartbroken. I hate the fact that things will be different. Who will be Grandma to the grandkids? Who will be the "mom?" Who will take care of her husband? Who will teach her class? Who will tend the climatis she so loving cares for on her porch? All of it will change.
There is something safe in the mundane. Am I right? There's no questions, no worries. No wondering what will happen. It's safe there and I like safe. It's comfortable. There are no tears there. No fears.
And yet, where would we be without change? Just this week I took down our Christmas decorations, did a little rearranging and cleaning. I changed things up...and loved it. We recently bought a new vehicle, moving from a minivan to a car...I love it. More change. I have projects that I've done around our home to change for the better. But, I see that these are the little "unimportant" changes, but change none the less.
I send out these thoughts not really looking for answers. I know there is always going to be change. We need change. I guess I'm still learning how to deal with the "hard" changes.
Do we ever learn?
Monday, January 2, 2012
Happy New Year
Well, all I want to say is: "Can I have another Christmas please?" That's right, a complete do-over. This holiday season just flew by. Not to mention the fact that I was (still am) sick. It really made for a bummer of a holiday.
Really I am not as depressed as this post may sound, just sad that the holidays are over. Our tree is down, nativities put away, stockings no longer hung. But I love that it's a new year. A fresh start. Taking down the Christmas decor allows time for dusting and cleaning. I love that. So, things are looking a little bare around here, but it's nice.
I hope to get all of my thoughts put together to share with you some goals and thoughts for 2012. They are still a jumbled mess in my brain. I hope you will bare with me until then. If you have any goals for 2012 I would love to hear what they are. You may inspire me.
Really I am not as depressed as this post may sound, just sad that the holidays are over. Our tree is down, nativities put away, stockings no longer hung. But I love that it's a new year. A fresh start. Taking down the Christmas decor allows time for dusting and cleaning. I love that. So, things are looking a little bare around here, but it's nice.
I hope to get all of my thoughts put together to share with you some goals and thoughts for 2012. They are still a jumbled mess in my brain. I hope you will bare with me until then. If you have any goals for 2012 I would love to hear what they are. You may inspire me.
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