Monday, November 7, 2011

A beautiful fall day

When I was a little girl something I used to do was pick leaves.  I (my sisters too) would find the leaves and  press them in pages of a really big book.  Thinking back now I don't know why we did that, but at the time it felt like a very important thing to do.  Well, just last night under the light of the streets, while walking Sadie, I found some huge leaves.  Did I mention they were HUGE?
I showed the boys this morning, so on the way to the bus stop, they looked for some too.  It was quite fun.
I placed a "regular" sized leaf on top of my find, so you could see just how big it is.  (Not a very good picture I know.  so sorry.)
I never tire of the beauty and detail of God's creation.  I hope you find some time to go exploring during this beautiful fall season.

God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. "I never tire of the beauty and detail of God's Creation."

    You know what? Neither do I and today YOU felt like that leaf of beauty, to me. I love that you blog because it's like having a conversatin with you.;) I miss you. I miss MOPS, too.

    What a great post! Enjoy your day.
